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Signs of the Times “No 1” Magazine Ruby Fruean is one of my valued customers. So far she has bought sets of Great Stories for Kids, Vital Facts for Boys Girls, Sammy Series, Family Medical Care, Less Stress, Train Up a Child and Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants.
Ruby is a businesswoman who helps run her husband's electronics equipment store, but she's never too busy to greet me with a smile whenever I visit her. She always takes the time to share how much benefit she is getting from the books.
On receiving copies of the Signs of the Times magazine for the first time, she phoned me a few days later. I realised she had called me during peak business hours and thought she wanted a book urgently! However, she sounded very excited as she told me that although she was very busy, she couldn't wait for my next visit to tell me how thrilled and impressed she was with our Signs magazine. In her own words she said, “I have read many religious magazines, but none has filled my spiritual hunger as much as does the Signs. I say it is a 'number one' church paper, so please continue to give me copies of this wonderful magazine.”
I say, “Praise the Lord for Signs! And to the editors, keep up the good work!” - Nese Suisala, Area Manager, Samoa
Please note: God calls the Catholic Church Babylon and the origin of Babylon and sun worship and paganism in the Catholic Church explains why. The reason for the Sabbath to Sunday change and our adversaries plan then becomes very clear. The number from the beast has amazing and almost lost information on how 666 came from Babylon and is now the number of a man. And the false secret rapture theory has deceived many on the truth of the second coming and is a must read. [law]
- Sabbath Day Bible
- Keeping the Ten Commandments
- Christs 1000 Year Reign
- Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots
- Seventh Day Bible Truth
- Mark of the Beast Sabbath
- The Antichrist
- How to Worship God
- Is Antichrist Catholic Church or Pope
- Antichrist in Revelations
- Bible Speaking on Tongues
- The Armageddon Prophecy
- Revelations Secret Rapture
- What Does Binding & Loosing Mean
- Bible Speaking in Tongues
- The Antichrist in the Bible
- Antichrist in Revelations
- The Word of God Truth
- Antichrist in the Bible
- Mark of the Beast Sabbath
- Mark of the Beast Sabbath
- End Time Remnant
- Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots
- Truth About the Bible
- Revelations Secret Rapture
- Bible Rapture of the Church
- Bible Speaking with Tongues
- Christ's Second Coming
- The Armageddon Prophecy
- Seal of the Living God
- Ten Commandments
- Ten Commandments & the Sabbath
- Were the Commandments Abolished
- Bible Prophecy
- What is Hell Like
- Colossians 2:16 Feasts
- Tongues in the Bible
- A Christian Directory
- Seventh Day Sabbath Truth
- Ten Commandments Commission
- Is the Law Still Relevant
- Bible Mark of the Beast
- The Mark of The Beast
- The Ten Commandments
- Technology Mark of the Beast
- The Armageddon Prophecy
- Bible Ceremonial Laws
- Was the Law Nailed to the Cross
- The 10 Commandments
- The Ten Commandments Truth
- End of World Signs
- The 10 Commandments
- Bible Mark of the Beast
- The Second Coming
- Seventh Day Sabbath Truth
- The Ten Commandments
- The 10 Commandments
- Bible Mark of the Beast
- Sabbath & The Ten Commandments
- Bible Prophecy
- What is the Sabbath Day Truth
- The Ten Commandments